Thursday, June 29, 2017

Review for Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty

3.5 Stars. Well written, but wanted more suspense. The pacing of this book is rather slow and it goes over a lot of the day to day lives of three Moms and their kindergarten age children. The mystery was interesting. The book opens with a murder, and as you read you find yourself trying to figure out not only who the killer is, but who was murdered. My issue with the book was that I wanted the clues to come quicker. It felt like I had to read through a lot of kindergarten drama before I came across another hook.

Despite the slower pace, what kept me reading were the characters. I did really care about them. Every character in this book, especially Jane, Madeline, and Celeste has a secret and as the story unfolds you get pieces of their secrets until finally, at the end, everything is revealed and you see how in many ways their secrets tie them together.

While I enjoyed the perspective of following multiple characters, I felt like the story was missing something without having a main lead. For most of the book, it felt like Jane was the most central of the three women. But, at the end, the resolution made it feel like this was more Celeste’s story. I wish there would have been more of a focus on one or the other.

Overall, I liked seeing these women, who were all going through different things in their lives, bond and form friendships. This became a major theme in the book that’s reinforced at the story’s conclusion. It was an enjoyable read.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Cover Reveal and FREE Books!

In August of 2012, I published my first novel, Into the Deep. My YA Paranormal Romance debut is about a high school junior who develops the ability to read minds and uncovers a dark secret one of her classmates is hiding. The only problem is, she doesn't know who's dark thoughts she's heard. Its sequel, Hidden Beneath, was published a year later. As the five-year anniversary of Into the Deep approaches, I decided it was time to update the covers, and to give some books away for FREE!

Into the Deep will be available to download for FREE on Amazon June 25, 26, & 27! Click HERE to check it out!

The old covers

The new covers!

About Into the Deep:

Awarded a 2012 IndieBRAG Medallion by the Book Readers Appreciation Group.

5 STARS “Well-written and emotionally charged, I found this book to be a total gem.” – Jen Naumann, author of Brooklyn Rockstar

5 STARS “This starts off as interesting, and gets more and more so.” – Lucinda Elliot, author of That Scoundrel Emile Dubois

4 STARS “…an interesting storyline, an original spin on the paranormal, and well-written.” – Jen Minkman author of Shadow of Time

Ivy Daniels is a high school junior still learning who she is. After an accident, Ivy finds herself with an ability she doesn’t want, an ability to uncover secrets which quickly begins to redefine what she thinks about the people around her as well as herself. Because of this ability, Ivy becomes the one thing that stands between an angry teen and the death of every student on campus. The only problem is she doesn’t know who wants everyone dead. Will she figure out who has this dark secret, or will she fail to find him in time?

Through her search to do the right thing, Ivy discovers that knowing the thoughts and secrets of those around her may just tear her apart. 

Into the Deep is a paranormal romance for mature young adults, that looks at how we define who we are, and what it means to feel alone. It contains minimal use of strong language and mild sensuality.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Review for Oblivion (Lux 1.5) by Jennifer Armentrout

4.5 Stars. Even knowing what would happen next, I was hooked on every word. The Lux series is one of my favorites and being able to revisit the first three books through Daemon’s POV was a great way to read Katy and Daemon’s story in a new way. I loved getting to see inside Daemon’s head in Origin and Opposition and this did not disappoint.

I also loved that Armentrout explored things that weren’t mentioned in the first three books. This book is more than just a rehashing of Obsidian, Onyx and Opal. It really is its own book. Through Daemon’s POV we get a better understanding of his relationships with Ash and we get to see scenes with him and the other Luxen that we didn’t get from Katy’s POV. I was really glad to see so much new material.

I did notice quite a bit of passive tense and some typos, but overall I loved this. It’s sucked me back into this series and I immediately picked up Origin after finishing it to continue revisiting the story.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

A-Z Book Tag

I found this book tag at Heather's Reading Hideaway, and it was created by The Perpetual Page Turner. I love doing these tags, and this one seemed super fun.

Author you've read the most books from:
Stephen King. Before I started reading YA or romance of any kind I loved monsters and horror (and still do) and no one does that better than King.

Best sequel ever:
There are a few books where I think the sequel was better. Sometimes the first book has some work to do setting the scene, allowing the second book to dive deeper into the characters. I thought Scorched Skies (Fire Spirits #2) by Samantha Young was better than Smokeless Fire. And I thought Ignite Me (Shatter Me #3) was the best out of the Shatter Me series.

Currently reading:
The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting

Drink of choice while reading:
I would love to say something really "writer-ly" here like, whiskey on the rocks, but Pepsi or Lemon Tea are more realistic answers.

E-Reader or physical books:
E-books all the way. I love my Kindle. It goes everywhere I go, and is half the size of many of the books I read plus, I can highlight and take notes in it, which I love!

Fictional character you probably would have dated in high school:
I'd have to say Daemon Black from the Lux novels. My husband is snarky like he is, and I mean, who doesn't love Daemon Black?

Glad you gave this book a chance:

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. I don't read many books that don't have some kind of paranormal element. But this books was just so good! It's a twisted murder mystery that kept me hanging on every word.

Hidden gem book:
Red Fox by Lara Fanning. This was hands down an awesome indie read.

Just finished:
Oblivion by Jennifer Armentrout.

Kind of books you won't read:
I don't read much (any) contemporary romance. I don't want to say I "won't" read it, but it would take something really interesting to catch my eye. I love romance, but I love monsters or a good mystery more. I also steer clear of Erotica. Again, I love romance, but I don't need overly descriptive sex scenes. The plot is important too!

Longest book you've read:
I haven't read anything too ridiculously long. Maybe Bag of Bones by Stephen King. Awesome book. It was 730some pages.

Major book hangover because of:
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins. The end of the Hunger Games was just... devastating. I don't think I picked up another book for like weeks after.

Number of bookcases you own:
One. I read mostly E-books. If I didn't I'd probably have ten thousand bookcases and I just don't know where I'd put them all. Eventually, I'd like to get paper copies of my favorites and a nice bookcase, but for now, I'm fine just keeping the digital copies.

One book you've read multiple times:
War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells. I read it once for fun and twice in college for different classes, but I really did enjoy it.

Preferred place to read:
I will read absolutely anywhere. Curled up on the couch is probably where I get the most reading done though.

Quote that inspires you/Gives you all the feels because of a book you've read:
“He's more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” ― Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights

Reading regret:
Not reading the Harry Potter series when it came out. Now I'm older and I've seen all the movies and I know how it ends. While I still want to read it, I feel like it will have lost some of it's magic because of all of that.

Series you started and need to finish:
Isaac Marion published a sequel to Warm Bodies that's on my TBR list. I really need to read that.

Three of your all-time favorite books:
I can only pick three? Okay, Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins, Obsidian by Jennifer Armentrout, and Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi.

Unapologetic fangirl for:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I love everything about that show and the comics.

Very excited for this release:
Ah, I actually don't have anything I'm counting down the days for right now. But, there are a few books that came out earlier this year that are on my TBR list like Carve the Mark by Veronica Roth and Caraval by Stephanie Garber.

Worst bookish habit:
I'm picky. I only want to read a book when I'm in the mood for that book. Which means I often have a hard time finding my next read because I get hung up on looking for something with a certain paranormal element or trope. And, sometimes I won't read anything for a while because I'm looking for the perfect next book. Really though, when I just randomly pick something out of my TBR list, if it's a good book I love it regardless of whether that was what I was looing for.

X-Marks the spot. Start at the top of your bookshelf and pick the 27th book:

The Goddess Test by Aimee Carter

Your latest book purchase:
The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting

ZZz, last book that kept you up way too late:
Pretty much everything I read does this. I like to read before bed.

Want to take the A-Z Bookish Survey? Please do, and leave me a comment below so I can check it out!

Saturday, June 3, 2017

May Wrap-Up

Here's everything I was up to in May! I've got lots of fun stuff coming up this summer, and I can't wait to share with everyone.


Books Reviewed in May:

Persephone's Orchard by Molly Ringle - I liked this. It was a different twist on the Hades/Persephone myth, but I don't think I'll continue with the series.

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn - This was one of my New Years Resolution Books and I LOVED it! It was an awesome twisted mystery.

Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver - This was incredible and heart wrenching.

Books Read in May:

Oblivion by Jennifer Armentrout - I loved the Lux series and this was an awesome way to revisit the series.

Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty - Overall, I liked this, but parts were a little slow and it all wrapped up a little too easily at the end.

Books to read in June:

The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting - The cover caught my eye with the one and the title makes me feel like there's a good mystery in this book.


With the good weather, writing got put on pause a bit last month. I still busted out some words, but I've spent a lot of time in my yard as well. I did send my editor an e-mail about starting work on Unearthed After Sunset. So, I'm excited to move forward with that book and hopefully get it out before the end of summer. *crosses fingers*

Also, those new book covers for Into the Deep and Hidden Beneath will be revealed this month! So, keep your eye out. I'm planning some free days as well!


I feel like I was a little MIA last month. I still got some posts out, but I wasn't as active leaving comments on other blogs or planning ahead for next month. This nice weather is just not conducive to finding solid laptop time.

My Favorite Blog Posts in May:

Favorite Post Written: Five Tips from Buffy for Writing a Book that Resonates with Readers - Simply put, Joss Whedon knows how to tell a story that just sucks you in, and with Buffy's 20th anniversary this year, I wanted to look at some of the things that made this show great, and how writers can incorporate those elements into their stories.

Favorite Post Read: Ah! I don't have one this month. Like I said, I was a little MIA in the blogging world in May. But, if you read anything that you thought was particularly interesting last month, please leave me a link in the comments!


My husband and I got the boat in the water for the first time this year. That was exciting. And, I spent a lot of time in my yard attempting to grow some plants and make everything look pretty.

How was your May?

Indie Book Goal 2018

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