Thursday, January 26, 2017

New Years Resolution Book Tag

I read an awesome post on BOOKS, BOXES, & BAUBLES the other day about a New Years reading challenge. It sounded like fun so I thought I'd give it a go. Below are my challenge choices to complete in 2017.

An author you’d like to read (that you’ve never read before).

Gillian Flynn - I really want to read Gone Girl before I watch the movie!

A book you’d like to read.

A Million Little Pieces by James J. Frey - This is a little outside my normal genre, but I think I'll really like it.

A classic you’d like to read.

Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll - Seriously, the fact that I haven't read this yet is a shame.

A book you’d like to re-read.

Obsidian by Jennifer Armentrout - One of my all-time favorites. Read my review.

A book you’ve had for ages and want to read.

Don't Look Back by Jennifer Armentrout

A big book you’d like to read.

Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty - This is another one that's different from my usual picks.

An author you’ve previously read and want to read more of.

Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver - I loved Delirium, and honestly have no idea how I haven't read this yet.

A book you got for Christmas and would like to read.

I didn't get any books for Christmas. :( But, I downloaded some awesome indies over the holidays that I'll be working my way through.

A series you want to read (start and finish)

Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling - Yes, gasp, I haven't read all of Harry Potter. I started the first book and never finished. What can I say, I was young and the movies came out.

A series you want to finish (that you’ve already started)

The Sweet Evil series by Wendy Higgins - I've already read the trilogy, but I haven't read Sweet Temptation, which is told from Kaidan's eyes.

Do you set reading goals? If so, how many books do you want to read in 2017?

Yes! But after returning from hiatus my goal for the year is rather pathetic. I'm setting it super low at 15 books. That's a little over a book a month and should be easy-peasy and I'll be close to hitting that with this list alone. But, I do also work 50+ hours a week at my day job and I really want to publish Unearthed After Sunset this year!

Now, I'm supposed to tag a fellow blogger to post their own resolutions, but I can't pick just one. So, if anyone wants to post their New Years Reading Resolutions, please share a link in the comments below.

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