Saturday, June 3, 2017

May Wrap-Up

Here's everything I was up to in May! I've got lots of fun stuff coming up this summer, and I can't wait to share with everyone.


Books Reviewed in May:

Persephone's Orchard by Molly Ringle - I liked this. It was a different twist on the Hades/Persephone myth, but I don't think I'll continue with the series.

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn - This was one of my New Years Resolution Books and I LOVED it! It was an awesome twisted mystery.

Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver - This was incredible and heart wrenching.

Books Read in May:

Oblivion by Jennifer Armentrout - I loved the Lux series and this was an awesome way to revisit the series.

Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty - Overall, I liked this, but parts were a little slow and it all wrapped up a little too easily at the end.

Books to read in June:

The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting - The cover caught my eye with the one and the title makes me feel like there's a good mystery in this book.


With the good weather, writing got put on pause a bit last month. I still busted out some words, but I've spent a lot of time in my yard as well. I did send my editor an e-mail about starting work on Unearthed After Sunset. So, I'm excited to move forward with that book and hopefully get it out before the end of summer. *crosses fingers*

Also, those new book covers for Into the Deep and Hidden Beneath will be revealed this month! So, keep your eye out. I'm planning some free days as well!


I feel like I was a little MIA last month. I still got some posts out, but I wasn't as active leaving comments on other blogs or planning ahead for next month. This nice weather is just not conducive to finding solid laptop time.

My Favorite Blog Posts in May:

Favorite Post Written: Five Tips from Buffy for Writing a Book that Resonates with Readers - Simply put, Joss Whedon knows how to tell a story that just sucks you in, and with Buffy's 20th anniversary this year, I wanted to look at some of the things that made this show great, and how writers can incorporate those elements into their stories.

Favorite Post Read: Ah! I don't have one this month. Like I said, I was a little MIA in the blogging world in May. But, if you read anything that you thought was particularly interesting last month, please leave me a link in the comments!


My husband and I got the boat in the water for the first time this year. That was exciting. And, I spent a lot of time in my yard attempting to grow some plants and make everything look pretty.

How was your May?

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