Thursday, June 22, 2017

Cover Reveal and FREE Books!

In August of 2012, I published my first novel, Into the Deep. My YA Paranormal Romance debut is about a high school junior who develops the ability to read minds and uncovers a dark secret one of her classmates is hiding. The only problem is, she doesn't know who's dark thoughts she's heard. Its sequel, Hidden Beneath, was published a year later. As the five-year anniversary of Into the Deep approaches, I decided it was time to update the covers, and to give some books away for FREE!

Into the Deep will be available to download for FREE on Amazon June 25, 26, & 27! Click HERE to check it out!

The old covers

The new covers!

About Into the Deep:

Awarded a 2012 IndieBRAG Medallion by the Book Readers Appreciation Group.

5 STARS “Well-written and emotionally charged, I found this book to be a total gem.” – Jen Naumann, author of Brooklyn Rockstar

5 STARS “This starts off as interesting, and gets more and more so.” – Lucinda Elliot, author of That Scoundrel Emile Dubois

4 STARS “…an interesting storyline, an original spin on the paranormal, and well-written.” – Jen Minkman author of Shadow of Time

Ivy Daniels is a high school junior still learning who she is. After an accident, Ivy finds herself with an ability she doesn’t want, an ability to uncover secrets which quickly begins to redefine what she thinks about the people around her as well as herself. Because of this ability, Ivy becomes the one thing that stands between an angry teen and the death of every student on campus. The only problem is she doesn’t know who wants everyone dead. Will she figure out who has this dark secret, or will she fail to find him in time?

Through her search to do the right thing, Ivy discovers that knowing the thoughts and secrets of those around her may just tear her apart. 

Into the Deep is a paranormal romance for mature young adults, that looks at how we define who we are, and what it means to feel alone. It contains minimal use of strong language and mild sensuality.

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Indie Book Goal 2018

The Indie Books List 2018

This is a list of self-published and independently published books for the #IndieBookGoal2018 challenge. Books submitted must follow the following rules: 1.MUST be an indie book 2.MUST have been published in 2017 or 2018 3.MUST have been professionally edited
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