Saturday, March 4, 2017

February 2017 Wrap Up

So, here's everything I was up to in February, and I'm excited to say that it includes lots of editing of Unearthed After Sunset! Yay.


Books Reviewed in February:

Red Fox by Lara Fanning - This book reminded me why I read indies. It was an awesome dystopian novel!

Sweet Temptation by Wendy Higgins - This was a great way to revisit a series that I loved. Awesome book!

Books Read in February:

Persephone (Daughters of Zeus #1) by Kaitlin Bevis

Daughter of Earth and Sky (Daughters of Zeus #2) by Kaitlin Bevis

Books to-read March:

The Iron Queen (Daughters of Zeus #3) by Kaitlin Bevis (I'm really liking this series!)

Ethereal by Addison Moore

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn (This is one of my New Years Resolution Books!)


I've finished my chapter-by-chapter editing of the last three chapters of Unearthed After Sunset! Next I'll be reading through the entire book to make any final changes and then I'll be shipping it off for professional editing/proofreading. Read more about it here!

Also, I have this little voice in my head suggesting that I re-vamp all my book covers. I downloaded a newer version of PhotoShop than I'd been using and I may tinker that those.


I want to say hello and thank you to all my new followers! My blog has gotten a lot more traffic this month than last! You guys rock.

My Favorite Blog Posts in January:

Favorite Post Written: When to Ignore Your Outline - Outlining is an important part of the novel writing process, but your outline can also work against you. Part of why I liked writing this post is because I got to reference Harry Potter and the whole Harry/Hermione (I'm a firm believer that they are better suited for one another than Hermione and Ron).

Favorite Post Read: Review of Heartless by Marissa Meyer on Kariny's Boox Frenzy. I read A LOT of reviews this month and added a ton of books to my TBR list, but there's one book that may get pulled up to the top of the list, and that's Heartless thanks to Kariny's review.


The kitchen remodel is done, and now that all my appliances are out of my dining room I have space to write again! Also, we had a few random, super-warm days (like 60 degrees) which is really uncommon for Wisconsin in February, and I can't wait for spring. Sadly, the temperature has dropped back into the 40's and it just snowed, again.

How was your February?

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Indie Book Goal 2018

The Indie Books List 2018

This is a list of self-published and independently published books for the #IndieBookGoal2018 challenge. Books submitted must follow the following rules: 1.MUST be an indie book 2.MUST have been published in 2017 or 2018 3.MUST have been professionally edited
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