Thursday, February 23, 2017

Unpopular Opinion Book Tag

Last month I posted a New Years Resolution Book Tag. Which I had a lot of fun putting together. Then, the other day, I stumbled across a book tag on Cuddlebuggery that I just loved! The theme of the book tag is "Books you didn't like" and as usual if anyone else would like to do this tag, please let me know in the comments so I can check out your picks.

A Popular Book/Series You Didn’t Like

A Shade of Vampire Series by Bella Forest - This is a super long series that's well rated on Amazon and has sold millions of books, but the writing was terrible! I liked Twilight, I watch The Vampires diaries, but I did not like this book. Read my Review.

A Book Series That Everyone Hates, But You Love

This is hard. How do I define "everyone?" I guess I'll say Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi. I don't think it's fair to say "everyone" hates this book, lots of people love it like I do. But, I think it's a series you either loved or you hated, and many of my friends hated it. It's got some pretty scathing reviews on Goodreads, but for all the reasons other people disliked it. I loved it! Read my Review.

A Love Triangle Where the MC Ended Up With A Person You Didn’t Want Them To End Up With, Or An OTP You Didn’t Like

This is a hard one. Usually I'm on the same page as the author. I was team Peta, team Edward, team Maxon, ect... Tahereh Mafi even pulled me over to team Warren in the Shatter Me series. But, there's a book I read called Reaper's Novice by Cecelia Robert where I wanted romance to line up with Ana and Zig, but it never did and at the end it seemed things were going in a different direction for Ana's romantic future. That said, this book was published in 2013, and a second book has yet to be released. So, I may never know if Ana and Zig had a chance. Read my Review.

A Popular Book Genre You Rarely Reach For

If it doesn't have monsters or a paranormal element I usually stay away. Contemporary Romance is probably the least looked at genre for me. That said, I am trying to branch out more! I'm reading some more mysteries and thrillers that (gasp) don't have a paranormal element!

A Popular Beloved Character That You Didn’t Like

Graceling by Kristin Cashore - I hated Katsa. I honestly have no idea why anyone liked her. Read my Review.

A Popular Author You Can’t Seem To Get Into

Veronica Rossi - I read Under the Never Sky and while it was well written I just didn't connect with her story-telling or her characters.

A Popular Trope You’re Tired Of Seeing

Insta-love / Love at first sight / "I'm drawn to you for no reason!" - Relationships need to be developed!

A Popular Series You Have No Interest In Reading

Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James. Nope, I just can't do it. All of my friends have read this book, even the ones that generally don't read. Knowing that it started at Twilight fanfiction, and not just inspired by Twilight, but actual fanfiction bothers me. Read More. I haven't seen or plan to watch the movies either.

The Saying Goes “THE BOOK IS ALWAYS BETTER THAN THE MOVIE,” But What Movie Adaptation Do You Prefer More Than The Book?

Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion. Okay, don't chew my head off, the book was awesome! Here's the thing, the movie and the book are very different. They're both philosophical and funny, but I liked the changes the movie made. The humor in the book was drier than it was in the movie and in the movie R feels closer to Juliet's age. I loved them both, but the movie took the light-hearted, funny moments from the book and expanded them. Read my Review.

Share your unpopular opinions in the comments below.

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