Saturday, April 7, 2018

Reading and Writing Wrap-up: March

March was a rough month for me. Book sales weren't great, and I've fallen into a bit of a funk. 


Books Reviewed in March:

I finished Veiled by Stacey Rourke - 4 Stars.

I also reviewed Where Worlds Meet by Lucinda Elliot - 4.5 Stars

Both books were for my #IndieBookGoal2018 pledge

Books Read in March:

After finishing up Where Worlds Meet I downloaded a few sample books, but haven't started any yet.

Books to read in April:

I plan to start another book from my Indie Book List. I have a few books in mind that I plan to look at next, but I haven't officially picked one yet.


Unraveling in the Night (Book 2 in the Cereus Vampire Chronicles) has already been sent off to a few betas. I've also been busy on Scribophile, earning Karma points, to post it there for feedback as well. I plan to start posting on scrib, and hopefully hear back from a beta or two by the end of the month.


I didn't blog a ton in March other than posting a few reviews and my usual Made-up Word of the Month, but I have been posting to my Instagram account! You can now follow me on Instagram at laurynaprilwrites

My Favorite Blog Posts in March:

Favorite Post Written: Fictional Bucket List was a fun random post about all the things I wish I could do if fiction people and places were real.

Favorite Post Read: I didn't do a lot of reading last month. :(


I quit my job in March and started a new one April 2nd. Between just those two things I had a lot of transitions and was feeling a little overwhelmed. I had a lot of things to wrap up at my old job before leaving, and working with kids meant having to manage some sad goodbyes. But, that place was really burning me out so it was a good move. I love my new job, but it's still very new and I have a lot to learn. Hopefully I'll be getting back into the swing of things in April and have more time for writing.

How was your March?

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