Monday, April 30, 2018

Made-Up Word of the Month: Charalamentation

Once again I'm blogging about those feelings and experiences that only book lovers can understand, by making up words to describe them. Each month, on the last Monday of the month, I'll post a new word.

[kar-i-lam-uh n-tey-shuh n]
1. An expression of grief or sorrow over the death of a fictional character.

“I have been in a state of charalamentation for days after reading about the death of my favorite character.”

The best books make you fall in love with their characters, so it's only natural that when something terrible happens to them it feels like having your heart ripped out. I was left in a serious state of charalamentation after reading The Hunger Games. That book just left me feeling gutted, and there's been plenty of others that had me weeping by the end.

What's a book that made you cry? Share in the comments below about a character who's passing left you grieving.

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Thursday, April 12, 2018

Why I Feel Like Giving-up on Writing

I've been a huge supporter of self-published writers for years now. I love self-publishing, I love to self-publish and I created the #IndieBookGoal2018 challenge to encourage people to read more indie and self-published books.

But it would be a lie to say that I don't occasionally get jaded by the process and lately I've been starting to feel depressed by the state of self-publishing.

The reality is, as much as I love indie books, there are too many of them. The market is flooded. There are a lot of junk indie books out there -- and not that they haven't always existed, but there's so many more now -- and while there are also still some great books, it's so much harder for them to find an audience.

For me, the hardest thing is looking at the sales of my newest release, Unearthed After Sunset. And sure, I've been selling books, I've gained some great reviews, but I put in probably twice the effort to advertise this book than I did with my debut novel Into the Deep in 2012, and have had half the response as I did with that book. This is incredibly disheartening, especially since I know how much my writing and my storytelling ability has grown over the past six years.

I used to feel like even if I never got rich writing that it was possible to make enough money to make the expenses worth it. That, if nothing else, I could reach readers. More and more I feel like writing a good book and putting in the hard work just aren't enough.

It's starting to feel like this isn't worth it.

To spend months crafting a story. Editing. Reworking. Tearing it apart and putting it back together. Creating a cover. Setting up promotions. Advertising. Countless hours of work, and love, and pain...and to have it all fall flat...

I've always felt like writing was like breathing like I could never give it up.

But, lately, low sales and being upside down in my budget has sucked all the inspiration out of me.

I don't think this is the end. Even now, feeling like I want to give up I've turned to writing about this to get me through it.

I hope this is just another bump in the road.

I hope I figure out some new tactics in this crazy publishing world. Or, hell, maybe I'll start querying agents. Or, maybe I'll just say to hell with making money and start posting all my books on Wattpad. Or, maybe this is all just crazy ramblings and I'll keep going like I always have.

I don't know. Maybe things will change, maybe they won't. But writing and being a self-published author is a crazy rollercoaster of a ride and I'm not getting off just yet.

If you liked this, you might also like Ways it's Gotten Harder to Self-Publish

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Reading and Writing Wrap-up: March

March was a rough month for me. Book sales weren't great, and I've fallen into a bit of a funk. 


Books Reviewed in March:

I finished Veiled by Stacey Rourke - 4 Stars.

I also reviewed Where Worlds Meet by Lucinda Elliot - 4.5 Stars

Both books were for my #IndieBookGoal2018 pledge

Books Read in March:

After finishing up Where Worlds Meet I downloaded a few sample books, but haven't started any yet.

Books to read in April:

I plan to start another book from my Indie Book List. I have a few books in mind that I plan to look at next, but I haven't officially picked one yet.


Unraveling in the Night (Book 2 in the Cereus Vampire Chronicles) has already been sent off to a few betas. I've also been busy on Scribophile, earning Karma points, to post it there for feedback as well. I plan to start posting on scrib, and hopefully hear back from a beta or two by the end of the month.


I didn't blog a ton in March other than posting a few reviews and my usual Made-up Word of the Month, but I have been posting to my Instagram account! You can now follow me on Instagram at laurynaprilwrites

My Favorite Blog Posts in March:

Favorite Post Written: Fictional Bucket List was a fun random post about all the things I wish I could do if fiction people and places were real.

Favorite Post Read: I didn't do a lot of reading last month. :(


I quit my job in March and started a new one April 2nd. Between just those two things I had a lot of transitions and was feeling a little overwhelmed. I had a lot of things to wrap up at my old job before leaving, and working with kids meant having to manage some sad goodbyes. But, that place was really burning me out so it was a good move. I love my new job, but it's still very new and I have a lot to learn. Hopefully I'll be getting back into the swing of things in April and have more time for writing.

How was your March?

Indie Book Goal 2018

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