Saturday, February 4, 2017

January 2017 Wrap Up

As most of you know I've only recently returned to blogging and writing after a year-long hiatus. Yes, I fell into that dark, unmentionable place that writers sometimes go and sometimes never return from. It’s a lonely place where read books are never reviewed and ideas float away in the wind, never to be brought to life with ink and paper (or more accurately, a keyboard and word-document). But, I’ve returned!

I’ve found my way back into this crazy writing world of books and bloggers and social networking, and I’ve realized a lot has changed since I’ve been gone. Many of the blogs and writers I used to follow have fallen into that dark place I mentioned before, and it seems they weren’t as lucky as myself to find their way out. But there’s also lots of new bloggers and writers out there I’ve slowly been discovering. I’ve lost followers, and started to gain new ones. Some of my old ways of connecting with people don’t work as well as they used to, and I’m attempting to find new ways to reach people.

So, I’m starting a monthly wrap-up post. These will post on the first Saturday after the first of the month and will discuss what I’ve been up to in the previous month. (Otherwise, I post on Thursdays).


Books Reviewed in January:

Goddess Interrupted (The Goddess Test #2) by Aimee Carter - I liked this but the ending really wasn't my cup of tea. Check out my review for more!

Books Read in January:

Goddess Interrupted (The Goddess Test #2) by Aimee Carter

Red Fox by Laura Fanning - I so LOVED this, and I'll be posting a review soon! This is why I read Indie books!

[Started Reading] Sweet Temptation by Wendy Higgins - OMG more Sweet Evil and Kaidan!?!

Books to-read February:

Sweet Temptation by Wendy Higgins

Persephone (Daughters of Zeus #1) by Kaitlin Bevis


Unearthed After Sunset! Yes, I’m working on this, and sadly it went on hiatus when I did so there’s still work to be done. I’ve got three chapters left of serious editing (and the last chapters always seem to need the most) and then I’ll be doing one last read through before sending it off for a professional editor to go through with a fine-tooth comb. I’ve been pokey about getting it finished, but for good reason. Read more about it here!

I’ve been distracted by writing Unearthed After Sunset #2. Which I’ve completed the first draft of, AND I started the first draft of Unearthed After Sunset #3!

Also, on the backburner is a fantasy story I started and some outlining for something Greek-mythology related. But, it will be some time before I’ll be sharing much more about those two.


I now have a Tumbler account! And, I've been spending more time on Bloglovin.

My Favorite Blog Posts in January:

Favorite Post Written: Why You Should KILL Your Word Count - Word count and how long a novel is "supposed" to be are things that have tripped me up in the past, so I really liked being able to explore this quality vs quantity conundrum with word count.

Favorite Post Read: New Year Resolution Book Tag on BOOKS, BOXES & BAUBLES - I read lots of great blog posts in January, but this one was the most fun!


I turned 28 on January 30th! My new fur-baby (6mo yellow lab puppy) has eaten all of my socks. And, the hubby and I are remodeling the kitchen (and pulling our hair out along the way).

How was your January?

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