Saturday, March 3, 2018

Reading and Writing Wrap-Up February

I know February is a short month, but it feels like its short a week instead of just a few days. This month flew by and I definitely didn't get as much done this month as I wanted.


Books Reviewed in February:

None. :(

Books Read in February:

I'm almost done with Veiled by Stacey Rourke. So far it feels like V for Vendetta meets Buffy. 

I'm also about halfway through Where Worlds Meet by Lucinda Elliot and have been enjoying that as well.

Books to read in March:

I plan to start another book from my Indie Book List after I finish Veiled and Where Worlds Meet. I have a few books in mind that I plan to look at next, but I haven't officially picked one yet.


Big picture editing for Unraveling in the Night (Book 2 in the Cereus Vampire Chronicles) is officially done. I'm currently doing some "search and destroy" of my usual overused phrases and I plan to start stage one of beta reading this month. I like to get chapter by chapter feedback from betas on Scribophile, and after that, I'll be looking for a few betas to read through the book as a whole.


I didn't blog a ton in February, but I did finally create an Instagram account! You can now follow me on Instagram at laurynaprilwrites

My Favorite Blog Posts in February:

Favorite Post Written: Ways It's Gotten Harder to Self-Publish: I vent a little in this post talking about things that have changed in the self-publishing world since I published my first book almost six years ago.

Favorite Post Read: What is Magical Realism on Book Riot: This is a genre that's interested me and Book Riot does a good job explaining just what it is.


My day-job this past February was a little less crazy than it'd been in January, but I was still working a lot of overtime. The snow also started to melt and my yard has been a mud-puddle for weeks, except for those two days where everything froze solid, but that's Wisconsin for ya.

How was your February?

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