Wednesday, July 16, 2014

8 Places to Promote your Book Blog

Bloglovin - "Follow your favorite blogs and discover new ones." Bloglovin is a social networking site specifically for blogs. Join the site and add your blog, new posts will automatically be added to your feed. Bloggers can follow you and you can follow them just like Facebook.

Stumbleupon - "Explore more." Stumbleupon randomly takes you from one site to another, choosing the sites they think you'll like based on your interests. It's a great way to discover some new pages, and something to do if you're bored. Create an account and you can suggest your own blog posts, adding them to their database. You do have to manually add each one, but it does help your posts get more hits.

Paperblog - This is another site specific to blogging. It's easy to navigate and once you join and add your blog your posts will automatically upload to the site. They also have nice stats to let you know how many views you get via their site and via your own blog

Phantom Owl Press - Do you write book reviews of indie books? Then you can link up to your review on Phantom Owl's site. At the end of each month they take all the links they get and put a blog post together to share with their readers.

Carole's Chatter - This blog covers a wide variety of topics, but they have a linky, just like Phantom Owl Press, where you can link up to your book reviews to share with their followers. Every month gets it's own page.

Ink Pageant - "A parade of blog posts for writers." This site is for finding posts specifically related to books and writing. If you're a writer and have advice to share with other writers, blog about it and share your posts here.

Goodreads - Goodreads is a great place to connect with other writers and readers in a variety of ways. First, you can add your blog feed to your profile page, allowing easy access to your blogposts. Second, if you look through the groups you'll find some dedicated to bloggers where you can share your posts.

Yahoo Answers and Quora -Using Yahoo Answers and Quora sometimes feel to me like being a door to door salesman. You can search through the questions people post, and sometimes you're lucky enough to be able to plug one of your posts in your answer. It's probably not the best way to drum up new readership, but it does occasionally work.

What sites do you find most helpful, any that should be added to the list?

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Indie Book Goal 2018

The Indie Books List 2018

This is a list of self-published and independently published books for the #IndieBookGoal2018 challenge. Books submitted must follow the following rules: 1.MUST be an indie book 2.MUST have been published in 2017 or 2018 3.MUST have been professionally edited
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