Sunday, December 3, 2017

November Reading and Writing Wrap Up

I just want to wish everyone a belated Happy Thanksgiving. I have some fun things planned for the rest of the holiday season. Unearthed will be going on sale soon, so keep your eyes out for a post about that, and I have something really cool planned for the New Year.


Books Reviewed in November:

I finally posted my review of The Gunslinger by Stephen King. I was a little dissappointed with the book, and probaby won't continue with the series right now, but I've heard it gets a lot better after book one. So, I'm not going to rule out returning to it later.

Books Read in November:

My review of The Woman in Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware will be up soon. This was a nice murder mystery, but won't be getting added to my favorites anytime soon.

I'm also finishing up Mind Hunter by John Douglas and Mark Olshaker, so I'll be posting that review soon as well. Being non-fiction this is a really different read for me, but I'm liking it so far.

Books to read in December:

I really want to read an indie book once I finish Mind Hunter and I've downloaded a few samples of different books onto my kindle, but haven't picked one yet.


I've taken a break from book #2 in the Cereus Vampire Chronicles to poke at some short stories and other WIP's. My fantasy novel is also on the back burner right now. I'll be honest I've had a bit of writer's block lately so, I'm trying to get creative with some other projects until my muse returns.


I finished a few fun posts last month that I had a good time writing. I really enjoyed posting about the differences in publishing through IngramSpark compared to Amazon. I've also been working to grow my mailing list and am still giving away FREE copies of Into the Deep to anyone that joins. Finally, I have plans for a really fun post I have for the New Year. I don't want to give away too much about it, but it will be something that everyone can get involved in.

My Favorite Blog Posts in November:

Favorite Post Written: Writing Dual POV's with Distinctive Voices: When I was writing Unearthed I researched this quite a bit and had trouble finding posts that were really helpful. So, this is a post about all the tips I applied to get Archer and Caroline's chapters to sound distinctive in Unearthed.

Favorite Post Read: Abuse is being Romanticised at A Magical World of Words: I'm a fan of writing complicated relationships and I love a good bad-boy story arc, but there have been a lot of books that take this arc and go in an unhealthy direction with it, which in itself can be fine depending on how a writer addresses it. But, if a book then says that unhealthy relationship with that abusive bad-boy is normal and okay, then we have a problem. I really appreciated Amy posting about this issue.


Things have been a little crazy in my personal life. My day job has been more stressful than usual. Right now, I'm just working to get through and hopefully have more time for writing in the future.

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