Saturday, September 30, 2017

September Reading and Writing Wrap-Up

I spent a LOT of time marketing in September. Unearthed After Sunset releases on October 15th, so I was super busy trying to set up a blog tour and line up some reviews for the book before release day. I forgot how hard the marketing part of self-publishing is.


Books Reviewed in September:

I didn't review ANY books in September. I finished The Gunslinger (The Dark Tower #1)  a little while ago. I'm just behind on writing up my thoughts. So, that is coming soon.

Books Read in September:

I'm almost done with The Woman in Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware. I'm liking it so far.

Books to read in September:

I also added Behind Closed Doors by B.A. Paris to my TBR list.


OCTOBER 15th is the official release date for Unearthed After Sunset. It's all set up and ready to go on Amazon, and I'm finishing the last tweaks on Ingram Spark so hopefully, I can make my release date on all platforms, including B&N, Nook and I-Books. You can pre-order it now for 99cents. In between all the fun marketing for Unearthed, I've been working on book #2 in the Cereus Vampire Chronicles. The first draft is done, and after a read through I decided to add two new scenes to that I'm not quite done with. Once I finish those I'll probably do two more read-throughs before I start looking for beta readers. I also have a greek mythology book I've been tinkering with and a fantasy novel I've been working on when my scatter-brain ways get the best of me.


I've been getting back into the swing of blogging. My upcoming release for Unearthed has eaten up a lot of my time, but I did get a chance to put together a few fun posts this month, and I posted a few author interviews. I also typed up a bunch of guest posts for the BLOG TOUR that's happening in October for Unearthed After Sunset. I really wanted to do a few really fun posts, so while there are some reviews and some author interviews I also wanted to write a few "Song for a Scene" posts and there are some Excerpts. Every stop on the tour has something different! You can follow the tour HERE.

My Favorite Blog Posts in September:

Favorite Post Written: 3 Must Have's for Chapter One: Writing a killer first chapter is essential to getting readers into your story. The last thing you want is to bore your reader with the first chapter and have them put your book down before they see how awesome it is.

Favorite Post Read: If Practice Makes Perfect: I liked this post on Y's Words because Yvonne discusses some of her frustrations with both Amazon and Ingram Spark. I'm currently having some of the same frustrations with Ingram, so it was nice to see that I wasn't alone.


I went to a wedding this month and had a blast, and I'm currently in ROME for my honeymoon! I'm curious to see what story ideas this city might inspire. 

How was your September?

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