Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Made-Up Word of the Month: Bookoarding

This made-up word of the month needs little explanation.


[boo k-hawr-ding]


1. the act of accumulating books for future use.

“There aren’t any empty surfaces in my house due to my extensive bookoarding problem.”

This is a word all bookworms will be familiar with, especially those who prefer a physical copy over an e-book. If your bookshelf is full, if you have stacks of books piling up on every surface in your home, then you might have a bookoarding problem.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Reading and Writing Wrap-Up: September

Fall is finally here and for once I'm managing to get this post out on time! The last few weeks have been busy as far as my personal life is concerned. Work has kept me busy, but I managed to get a little reading and writing done last month.


Books Reviewed in September:

I was really close to finishing Lost Wages of Sin by Rosalie Stanton, but I have a few more chapters to go. So, you will see that review this month.

Books Read in September:

I nearly finished Lost Wages of Sin by Rosalie Stanton. I like this book but it does edge into that erotica territory for me. It doesn't seem to be specifically labeled as such, and the plot and characters are solid, but there's a little more crude language than I'm used to and some seriously spicy scenes. 

Books to read in October:

I've yet to pick my next book. And while I'm super behind on my #IndieBookGoal2018 pledge I'm considering reading something mainstream. I have a few books on my shelf I've been waiting to get to including Moonlight Sins by Jennifer Armentrout.


Betaing for Unraveling in the Night (Book 2 in the Cereus Vampire Chronicles) has slowed a little, but I'm still moving forward with that. Other than some betaing I didn't really do much writing last month.


I've been slacking in the blogging department. Sorry about that. The  #IndieBookGoal2018 pledge page did get updated last month. So, if you're looking for an indie read this fall, check it out. I'm already making plans for #IndieBookGoal2019 and I think there will be some changes to the rules for next year. I'm hoping to get more bloggers involved. So, stay tuned for that.


I've been super busy the last few weeks with work and spending time with family, but overall things have been good.

What are you planning to read this fall?

Monday, September 24, 2018

Made-Up Word of the Month: Anticipafiction

Out of all the words I've made up for this series this is one of my favorites. In the pre-e-book days this word would have been in my vocabulary all the time, now I'd use it less often as buying my next book is just a click away. But, there's always that anticipation you feel waiting for the sequel in your current favorite series to hit the market that provides a necessity for this word to exist.


[an-tis-uh-p-fik-shuh n]

1. the act of anticipating the acquisition of a new book. 

2. expectation or hope for a new book to be released. 

“In anticipafiction of the release of the third book in my favorite series, I’m re-reading all the previous books.”

This is that feeling you get when you're anxiously waiting for a new book by your favorite author to be released. Or, when your most recent Amazon order hasn't come in. Anticipafiction is how you feel staring out the window waiting for the Mailman to show up with your next book haul.

Indie Book Goal 2018

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